Training Courses
One of the key responsibilities of all employers is to ensure that they provide their employees with appropriate information, instruction and training. In order for training to be effective it must involve the participants, and be readily applicable to their workplace. To achieve this, all of the courses which are offered by Egan Safety Solutions encourage those attending to become active participants on the course. In addition our Clients are encouraged to view the attached course outlines, and to make known to us any specific requirements which their company may have. These changes, will allow us to tailor the course to meet your specific needs. On the right are a selection of the courses which we provide. If the course which you require is not listed below please do not hesitate to contact us. Egan Safety Solutions has focussed on the renewable energy sector in recent years and are currently acting as Project Supervisor Design Process and as health and safety consultants on some of the largest wind energy projects in the country presently.
General Safety Courses
Manual Handling
Course Title: Manual Handling Maximum Number of Participants: 10 Duration: Half day
Course details: Manual handling activities account for approximately 20-30 % of all occupational injuries in Ireland on an annual basis. Employers are required to assess the risk posed by manual handling to their employees, and to provide training in safe lifting techniques where Manual Handling is necessitated. This training will show your staff how to lift correctly and therefore avoid back injuries. This training will also provide employees with an understanding of the relevant factors which may affect them whilst undertaking Manual Handling. Successful completion of this course should ensure that employees who are carrying out Manual Handling activities can do so without risk to their Health and Safety.
Objectives On completion of the course participants will be able to:
- Lift and handle loads safely,
- Recognise a load which is too heavy or awkward,
- Understand the limitations of the spine and muscular system
- Legislation ( 2005 SHWW Act, 2007 General Applications Regs),
- Dangers of careless and unskilled methods,
- Principles of levers and laws of motion,
- Anatomy of the spine and muscular system,
- Fitness and flexibility requirements for safe Manual Handling,
- Specific Manual Handling hazards relevant to the workplace,
- Risk Assessment for Manual Handling Tasks,
- Individual risk factors
- Practical Manual Handling techniques,
- Procedures for dealing with unfamiliar loads,
- Ergonomics: Practical application to workplace environment,
- Practice in safe handling of loads: – Lifting to and from ground level – Lifting to and from a height – Pushing – Pulling – Lifting bags/sacks
Should you require any further information, or wish to make an enquiry regarding the above, please use our contact form.
Occupational First Aid
Course Title: Occupational First Aid Maximum Number of Participants: 10 Duration: 3 Days
Course details Current legislation requires that each employer ensure the provision of an adequate number of first aiders at each place of work under the employer’s control. The number of first aiders and the equipment available to them is based on the risks inherent in the work being undertaken. The legislation requires that first aiders receive training and certification of their competency. This course allows employers to fulfil their obligation under the legislation, it further allows their employees to become competent to deal with injuries requiring First Aid in their workplace.
Objectives On completion of this course participants will be able to:
- Provide necessary first aid within the workplace
- Deal with emergencies
- Implement essential life saving skills
- Successful participants will be certified as being competent First Aiders
- Patient Assessment
- Respiratory Emergencies
- Cardiac First Response and AED
- Wounds and Bleeding
- Altered levels of consciousness
- Musculoskeletal injuries
- Burns and scalds, chemicals, electric shock
For further information on this course or booking information please don’t hesitate to contact us using our contact form.
Abrasive Wheels Training
Course Title: Abrasive Wheels training Maximum Number of Participants: 12 Duration: Half day
Course details The use of Abrasive Wheels on machinery such as angle grinders, cutting tools and other equipment is a routine part of work for many employees. Incorrect mounting or use of these tools can lead to serious injuries to employees and others. Employers are required to ensure that prior to using such equipment; employees have received adequate information, instruction, and training regarding the correct use of Abrasive Wheels. This course deals with all relevant areas concerning Abrasive Wheels including correct selection, mounting and use of Abrasive Wheels.
Objectives Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to,
- Mount, operate, handle and store Abrasive Wheels correctly and safely
- Apply the principles of wheel selection
- Test and maintain wheels safely
Programme This course will focus on the following areas,
- Introduction to relevant legislation
- Hazards of using Abrasive Wheels
- Causes of accidents
- Methods of storing and handling
- Methods of inspecting and testing
- Functions of components used including flanges, washers, bushes, nuts used in mounting, tool rests
- Assembling and balancing components
- Dressing Abrasive Wheels
- Theory examination
- Practical assessment
For further information on this course or booking information please don’t hesitate to contact us using our contact form.
Fire Safety Training
Course Title: Fire Safety Training Maximum Number of Participants: 10 Duration: Half day
Course details Under current Irish legislation, each employer is required to provide a sufficient number of appropriate fire fighting devices in the workplace, bearing in mind the physical dimensions of the workspace as well as the activities being undertaken. In addition to this, employers must ensure that employees have received adequate information about these devices and appropriate instruction and training in the correct selection and use of this equipment. This course provides the necessary information to employees and also allows them to get practical experience in the selection and use of Fire Extinguishers.
Objectives Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- Identify fire hazards in the workplace
- List basic precautions that should be taken
- Select the appropriate extinguisher
- Use portable Fire Extinguishers effectively
- Principals of Fire
- Fire Prevention and Causes of Fire
- Statutory Requirements
- Evacuation Procedures
- Work Safety
- Home Safety
For further information on this course or booking information please don’t hesitate to contact us using our contact form.
Chemical Awareness Training
Course Title: Chemical Safety Training Maximum Number of Participants: 12 Duration: Half day
Course details Current Irish and European legislation places responsibilities on employers with regard to chemical substances. This states that where chemical substances (agents which are likely to cause harm to the Health and Safety of those using them) are being used, employers are required to ensure that affected employees have received information and training on their safe use. Employers must further ensure that this training is carried out on a regular basis.
Objectives Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- List routes of entry of chemicals into the body
- Identify health effects of chemicals
- Identify warning symbols and read relevant product warning labels
- Use a SDS (Safety Data Sheet)
- Identify and use different types of available PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
- Legislation
- Introduction to chemicals
- Routes of entry of chemicals
- Classification of hazardous substances
- Warning signs
- Safety Data Sheets
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Final discussion and review
For further information on this course or booking information please don’t hesitate to contact us using our contact form.
Electrical Safety Training
Course Title: Electrical Safety Training Maximum Number of Participants: 12 Duration: Half day
Course details Part 3 of the Safety Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007 contains specific requirements for employers with regard to work involving electricity. Such work can be inherently hazardous. As such, additional measures are necessary in order to ensure that employees are suitably prepared to undertake such work. This course provides employees with an understanding of the provisions which are made under the regulations and will also allow them to become familiar with some of the necessary safeguards.
Objectives Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to,
- List the implications of the legislation
- Identify electrical hazards in the workplace
- Describe protective measures against direct and indirect contact
- Identify methods of isolation and switching
- Take action to deal with emergency first aid and electricity
- Describe the role ETCI play and the implications of their rules
- Legislation
- Part 3 SHWW (General Application) Electricity Regulations
- Safety – general
- Effects of electricity
- Isolation and switching
- Electrical Installation
- Earthing and bonding
- First aid and electrical burns
- Protection from shock
- Role of Electro Technical Council of Ireland
- ETCI rules and regulations
- Course Summary and Close
For further information on this course or booking information please don’t hesitate to contact us using our contact form.
Work At Height Training
Course Title: Work at height training Maximum Number of Participants: 12 Duration: Half day
Course details Under Irish legislation employers are required to ensure that employees have a safe means of access and egress to their place of work. Additional legislation places responsibility on employers to ensure that extra provisions are in place where employees are accessing or working in a location where they are at risk of falling. In such situations employers need to ensure that the working platform being used is fit for the purpose which it is being used, and in addition that employees have received adequate instruction and training in the extra precautions which must be taken in such environments.
Objectives On completion of the course participants will have:
- A familiarisation with the legislation and guidance which deals with working at height,
- Knowledge of the precautions to be taken when working at height.
- Practical experience of wearing and inspecting fall arrest equipment and other PPE
- Introduction
- Legislation
- Fall prevention
- Permanent work platforms
- Temporary work platforms (Scaffolding)
- Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (M.E.W.P.)
- Openings / edge protection
- Roof work
- Fall protection
- Safety netting
- Use of harness
- Lanyards
- Anchorage points
- Ladder safety
- Roof work
- Care & Storage and inspection of the Harness
For further information on this course or booking information please don’t hesitate to contact us using our contact form.
Construction Safety Courses
FÁS Safe Pass training
Course Title: FÁS Safe Pass training Maximum Number of Participants: Minimum 8-Maximum 20 Duration: Full day Certification FÁS Certification Card
Course details The FÁS Safe Pass course was introduced throughout Ireland in 2001. The course was introduced to encourage the development of a positive safety culture in the construction sector in Ireland. Successful completion of this course is a requirement for all persons working in construction in Ireland. In 2006, the revised safe pass course was introduced. Eamon Egan of Egan Safety Solutions is an accredited tutor of this course and draws on his comprehensive Irish and International construction experience when delivering this programme.
Objectives On completion of the course participants will have:
- An increased level of safety awareness particularly concerning construction safety
- A knowledge of the generic hazards encountered in construction
- Familiarity with the controls necessary to ensure safety whilst working in construction
- An understanding of the duties of both employers and employees in construction
- Possession of a Safe Pass Card
- Promoting a safety culture
- Health and safety legislation
- Accident reporting and prevention
- Working at heights
- Evacuations and confined spaces
- Working with electriciry UG and OH services
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Use of Hand-held Equipment, Tools and Machinery
- Safe Use of Vehicles
- Noise and Vibration
- Manual Handling
- Health and Hygiene
Should you require any further information, or wish to make an enquiry regarding the above, please use our contact form.
Role of the PSCS during construction
Course Title: Role of the PSCS Maximum Number of Participants: 10 Duration: Half day
Course details The role of the Project Supervisor for the Construction stage (PSCS) is a critical role in construction. There are significant responsibilities outlined by current construction legislation for the individual or organisation whom is appointed in this role. In order to ensure that the role is properly understood and that all duties are fulfilled, it is important that those undertaking the role of PSCS have a good understanding of their legal obligations. This course provides comprehensive information on the role of PSCS to participants. It also assists participants in understanding the necessary interactions between the PSCS and duty holders under the Construction Regulations.
Objectives On completion of the course participants will have:
- An in depth knowledge of the roles and responsibilities outlined under the construction regulations
- A detailed knowledge of the responsibilities of the PSCS
- Knowledge of the function of the safety file and the suggested contents
- Legislation
- Interactions between the PSCS and other key duty holders
- Risk Assessment and the site health and safety plan
- Control of contractors on Site
- Principles of prevention
- On site compliance with Construction Regulations
- Ongoing monitoring and site auditing
- The role of the site Health and Safety officer
- Practical workshop
Should you require any further information, or wish to make an enquiry regarding the above, please use our contact form.
Role of the PSDP during construction
Course Title: Role of the PSDP Maximum Number of Participants: 10 Duration: Half day
Course details The role of the Project Supervisor for the Design Process (PSDP) is a critical role in Construction. There are significant responsibilities outlined by current construction legislation for the individual or organisation whom is appointed in this role. In order to ensure that the role is properly understood and that all duties are fulfilled, it is important that those undertaking the role of PSDP have a good understanding of what is required from them. This course provides comprehensive information on the role of PSDP to participants. It also assists participants in understanding the necessary interactions between the PSDP and other duty holders under the Construction Regulations.
Objectives On completion of the course participants will have:
- An in depth knowledge of their role and responsibilities outlined under the construction regulations
- A detailed knowledge of the responsibilities of the PSDS
- Knowledge of the preliminary Health and Safety plan and the safety file and the suggested contents
- Legislation
- Key interaction between the PSDP and other duty holders
- Design Risk Assessments
- Preliminary Health and Safety plan
- General principles of prevention as applied to the design stage
- Management of change during the design stage
- Collation of material necessary for inclusion in the safety file
- Practical workshop
Should you require any further information, or wish to make an enquiry regarding the above, please use our contact form.
The role of designers during construction
Course Title: Role of Designers in construction Maximum Number of Participants: 10 Duration: Half day
Course details The role of designers under the Construction regulations places a responsibility upon all designers to design structures that can be constructed and used without risk to the Health and Safety of the users. This places a responsibility on designers to assess the risk associated with their design and to ensure that the general principles of prevention have been adequately applied to the final design. It is imperative therefore that designers have an in-depth knowledge of their role and responsibilities under relevant legislation as well as a knowledge of the general principles of prevention.
Objectives On completion of the course participants will have:
- An in depth knowledge of their role and responsibilities outlined under the construction regulations
- An ability to carry out design Risk Assessments
- An ability to apply the general principles of prevention
- Legislation
- Design Risk Assessments
- General Principles of Prevention as applied to design
- Communication of information to the final occupiers of the structure
- Practical workshop
Should you require any further information, or wish to make an enquiry regarding the above, please use our contact form.
Managing the Construction Design Process
Course Title: The Management of the construction Design Process in the Republic of Ireland 2 Day Course Venue: TBC Date: TBC
Aims of the Course This course is aimed at providing an understanding of the role of the project supervisor for the design process appointed under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations. Short practice sessions are provided to enhance this understanding.
DAY 1 Introduction and Setting Course Objectives Accidents in Construction and Maintenance Review of types of accidents common in construction and in structural and plant maintenance. Major hazards from which the accidents arise and accident trends related to types of contract.
Overview of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations Background and development of the regulations. Overview of the regulation and the duty holders. Key definitions.
Duties of the Project Supervisor – Design Process Duties and responsibilities of the Project Supervisor Design Process in the design and planning stage. Co-ordination of the design function. Relationship with others involved in the project. Avoiding conflict. Managing the flow of information.
Duties of the Client Who is the client? Making proper appointments. Providing information to the project supervisor. Controlling the commencement of construction.
Practical Session: Provision of Information Closed Book Examination
DAY 2 The Safety File Starting the health and safety file. Development and compilation. Input from the project supervisor-design stage, designers and contractors. Clients requirements of the file. Handover to client. Practical Session: Content of the Safety File Reducing Risk by Design & Designers Responsibilities Who is the designer? Hazard and risk defined. Recognising and recording hazards upon which design decisions are taken. Principles to be applied in reducing risk. Hierarchy of measures. Sources of information.
Practical Exercise: The design hazard inventory. Evaluation of the design hazard inventory produced by the designer.
Provision of Information for the Project Supervisor – Construction Stage Main purpose of the information. Level of information required. When should information be delivered?
Syndicate Exercise: Preparing the Project Supervisor’s safety and health plan. Accident Prevention and Project Supervision Health and safety arrangements in the project. Factors to be considered when considering contractors for inclusion on the tender list. Reviewing at tender stage, the contractors procedures for imminent danger and danger areas. Competence and training. Closed Book Examination.
Course Conclusion and Review Objectives Upon completion of the course, delegates should be able to: –
- understand the requirements of the regulations
- understand the duties of a Project Supervisor – Design Process
- appreciate the information to be supplied for the safety and health plan
- identify the content requirements of the safety file
Maximum number of delegates: 16 Approximate Timetable: Day 1
- Coffee and Welcome: 08.45
- Commence: 09.00
- Break: 10.45-11.00
- Lunch: 12.30-13.15
- Break: 14.45-15.00
- Conclusion: 17.00
Approximate Timetable: Day 2
- Coffee and Welcome: 08.45
- Commence: 09.00
- Break: 10.45-11.00
- Lunch: 12.30-13.15
- Break: 14.45-15.00
- Conclusion: 16.30
Should you require any further information, or wish to make an enquiry regarding the above, please use our contact form.
Safety Management
Risk Assessment training
Course Title: Risk Assessment Training Maximum Number of Participants: 10 Duration: Half day
Course details Section 19 of the Safety Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, requires all employers to carry out Risk Assessments on all hazards at the place of work and document these. Further legislation such as the General Application Regulations calls for specific Risk Assessments to be carried out for activities such as Manual Handling or where chemical agents are being used. The correct selection and application of Risk Assessment techniques is critical to effective and correct control of the hazards in the workplace. Training in Risk Assessment techniques allows employees to correctly carry out and document the results of Risk Assessments.
Objectives On completion of this programme participants will be able to:
- Identify legal requirements to carry out Risk Assessment
- List the component principles of the process
- Distinguish between different hazard identification methods
- Apply Risk Assessment to common workplace scenarios
- Outline steps involved in organising a risk assessment programme
- Evaluate and prioritise the importance of different controls
- Legislation and Risk Assessment
- Non legal rationale
- Inspection
- Training and development
- Contractor monitoring
- Safety Statement development and review
- Organising company wide assessment
- The five stages of general Risk Assessment methodology
- Task analysis
- Hazard identification
- Control description
- Risk judgement
- Reasonable practicability
- Assessment formats
- Recording assessments
- Information source
- Questions and discussion
Should you require any further information, or wish to make an enquiry regarding the above, please use our contact form.
Health and safety training for managers
Course Title: Health and Safety Training for Managers Maximum Number of Participants: 12 Duration: Half day Course details This course is designed to provide those with responsibility for managing Health and Safety within companies with the information and skills which are needed for them to carry out this role efficiently. The course will provide participants with an overview of all applicable legislation and the obligations that this places upon companies. Pertinent areas which are covered include Legislation, Risk Assessments, Safety Management Systems, Accident Investigation, and reactive and proactive Safety Management Techniques.
Objectives On completion of the course participants will be able to:
- State the imperatives for a proactive approach to health and safety
- Describe the legal framework for Health and Safety
- Explain the components of a Health and Safety Management System and their interrelationship
- Identify initiatives to promote Health & Safety in the workplace
- Describe the role of risk management in Safety Management and accident prevention
- Outline and apply the key components of a safe system of work
- State the reasons for undertaking active and reactive monitoring
- Describe the components of effective accident investigation
- Identify and discuss current issues in health and safety in their organisation
- The role of the manager in Health and Safety
- Legislation
- Hazard identification
- The Safety Statement
- Accident recording and investigation
- Safe system of work
- Communicating the health and safety message
- Information, instruction and supervision
- Communication and consultation in the workplace
- Health and safety audit systems
- Management of change within companies
Should you require any further information, or wish to make an enquiry regarding the above, please use our contact form.
Client specific training programmes
Course Title Client specific programmes Maximum Number of Participants: N/A
Course details Egan Safety Solutions offer our clients assistance in developing and delivering in house training. Training forms an intrinsic part of every company’s Safety Management System. Egan Safety Solutions recognises that the successful implementation of a company’s safety policies must incorporate training specifically designed to meet the individual requirements of each company. Egan Safety Solutions works with each client to develop a tailored programme which meets their requirements. Such a programme will focus on the particular elements of the clients company set against the overall legal background of the training material. Objectives On completion of the course participants will be able to:
- Explain the main elements of the policy which is being introduced
- Explain the legislative background to the policy being introduced
- Explain the measures which are being introduced in order to implement the policy
- Explain the roles and responsibilities of all employees involved
- Overview of the topic being discussed
- Legislative background
- Detailed description of the policy
- Implementation of the policy
- Roles and responsibilities of those involved
- Ongoing communication and consultation necessary for effective implementation
- Ongoing auditing and review of the implementation
- Conclusion and discussion
The duration of these courses will normally reflect the complexity of the policy which is being dealt with. Should you require any further information, or wish to make an enquiry regarding the above, please use our contact form.