Construction Safety Management
In recent years the construction sector as well as being one of the most significant sectors of Irish Industry, has also have one of the highest rates of fatal accidents of any industry on a yearly basis. This statistic coupled with the belief that many of the accidents that occur in this sector are as a result of poor safety management, has resulted in a recent strengthening of existing legislation that is in place to govern this area.
The Safety Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2013 set out clearly defined roles for those who are primarily responsible for the management of safety on construction. These roles outline extensive responsibilities for Clients, Project Supervisors for Design projects and Project Supervisors for Construction, Contractors, Designers, and Safety Officers.
Special details on Construction Consultancy Services:
Advising Clients in fulfilling their responsibilities
Clients Responsibilities
Under existing Safety Health and Welfare (Construction) legislation , Clients have very specific
and important duties and responsibilities. This reflects the very influential role which is played by
Clients in construction safety management. Such critical roles include:
- Appointment of competent persons to roles such as PSCS, PSDP, Designers and Contractors
- Overseeing construction and terminating or changing appointments as necessary
- Co-operating with those appointed with regard to the time necessary for completion of the project
- Ensure that the required documents have been prepared and are in place at key stages of the construction process
In order to assist our clients in fulfilling their obligations as clients, Egan Safety Solutions
provides competent and experienced safety consultants to do the following,
- Outline clearly to clients what their role throughout construction is and what their responsibilities are
- Act as safety adviser to the client throughout the construction process
- Assist clients when developing tender documents to ensure that all relevant details have been included
- Assist clients in developing and implementing methods of assessing the competence of those being appointed as duty holders throughout the construction project
- Assist clients in monitoring the construction work and communicating any areas of concern to appointed duty holders through meetings
- Assisting clients in ensuring that key documents have been developed at appropriate stages of the construction project
- Assisting clients in reviewing these documents to ensure that these are to an appropriate standard
The above is a sample of the services offered by us. As each project differs, our approach to
meeting your safety requirements will be tailored to meet your needs. Should you require any
further information or wish to make an enquiry regarding the above, please do not hesitate to
contact us.
Assisting Project Supervisors for the Design Process
Project Supervisor for the Design Process (PSDP)
The role of the Project Supervisor for Design Process, is to coordinate every element of Health
and Safety in design associated with construction projects.
In order to fulfil this role those appointed as PSDP must do the following,
- Demonstrate their competence to undertake the role of PSDP for the project being undertaken
- Demonstrate how the general principles of prevention have been taken into account when preparing the design
- Identify particular risks and make these known to the Project Supervisor for the Construction Stage or inform the Client
- Prepare the preliminary Safety and Health Plan
- Co-ordinate the activities of all designers and issue instructions to designers as necessary
- Ensure that any changes to design which may occur at construction stage are appropriately assessed
- Prepare the safety file and deliver this to the client
Egan Safety Solutions offers its clients it considerable experience in fulfilling the above duties.
Our experienced and competent safety consultants can assist our clients in meeting their
requirements in the following ways:
- Acting as Project Supervisor for the Design Process
- Assisting appointed PSDP’s to develop required documentation such as the preliminary Health and Safety plan and the Safety File
- By auditing the PSDP’s safety management system and making any recommendations necessary for improvement
- Auditing of all construction related documentation to ensure that any hazards which were identified during the design stage are being effectively managed during the construction stage
- Acting as Health and Safety Coordinator on behalf of the PSDP
- Monitoring the progress of construction and overseeing the compilation of material for inclusion in the Safety file
The above is a sample of the services offered by us. As each project differs, our approach to meeting your safety requirements will be tailored to meet your needs. Should you require any further information, or wish to make an enquiry regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact us using our contact form.
Assisting Project Supervisors for the Construction Stage
Project Supervisor for the Construction Stage (PSCS)
The focus of the role of PSCS is one primarily concerned with the management of all parties whom have any input or effect on the construction process. It is one of the key roles in the management of Health and Safety during construction projects.
In order to fulfil the role of the PSCS those appointed must do the following,
- Demonstrate their competence to undertake the role of PSCS for the project being undertaken
- Develop the construction stage Safety and Health Plan ensuring that specific measures are in place to control, risks which were identified at the design stage
- Coordinate the activities of contractors on site and issue instructions as necessary
- Facilitate the appointment of the site safety representative as necessary
- Appoint a safety adviser as necessary
- Coordinate the compilation of material necessary for inclusion in the safety file and deliver
this to the PSDP
Egan Safety Solutions offers its clients it considerable experience in fulfilling the above duties.
Our experienced and competent safety consultants can assist clients in meeting their requirements
in the following ways:
- By developing safety documentation on behalf of the PSCS such as the construction stage safety and health plan, site induction, site audits, method statements and safe system of work plans
- By auditing the PSCS’s existing safety management systems and making any recommendations necessary for improvement
- By acting as the H&S Co-ordinator for the construction stage
- By acting as safety adviser to the PSCS
- By auditing construction activities and ensuring that the measures which are set out under
the construction safety and health plan are being adhered to - By coordinating the compilation of material for inclusion in the safety file
- By developing and delivering construction specific training programmes. (see our training section)
The above is a sample of the services offered by us. As each project differs, our approach to meeting your safety requirements will be tailored to meet your needs. Should you require any further information, or wish to make an enquiry regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact us using our contact form.
Construction Placements
Construction Placements
The principal legislation requires that all persons undertaking activities are competent to do so.
This is further enforced by the SHWW (Construction) Regulations 2013 which requires that
duty holders assess the competency of those being appointed in specific roles.
Competency is defined by the SHWW Act 2005 as being a person who having regard to the
task to be undertaken and the nature and size of the hazards likely to be encountered, that
person has sufficient training, experience and knowledge to carry out their duties
The combination of these regulations means that the careful selection of the appropriate person
for a specific role during construction is something, which clients must now carry out very
Egan Safety Solutions can assist its clients through providing qualified, trained and
experienced safety professionals to undertake specific roles during construction projects.
The duration of our placements can vary to meet our client’s requirements.
Should you require any further information, or wish to make an enquiry regarding the above, please use
our contact form.